Say More

A Young Life SLC Podcast

The "Say More" podcast is an opportunity for Young Life’s leadership to hear from each other, a chance stay in-the-know, and a way to hear what matters — to you and those you lead.

Episode 8: The Road to Ethiopia: Care, Calling and Community + The SLC Planning Team

In this final episode, Newt Crenshaw recaps the vision of KNOWN, and you get to hear what some of the SLC planning team (Joey Jimenez, Lyn TenBrink, Julie Clapp, Billy Boyle and Ken Tankersley) are looking forward to during our time together in Ethiopia!



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Podcast moderator Blake Anderson: Welcome to the SLC Podcast. In today's episode, we have the privilege of hearing from Young Life's President Newt Crenshaw, as he shares about our new global vision called KNOWN. We'll also hear from a few members of the SLC content team as they share what they're excited about in the coming months. Join us as we hear Newt share his thoughts on KNOWN.


Newt Crenshaw: Friends, by now you've heard details about KNOWN. I would guess you've heard some things that give you hope. Maybe you've heard some things that remind you why you are part of this mission of God's we call Young Life. You might have also heard some things that give you pause or cause you to lean in with a question.


The good news is that our time together in Ethiopia is not simply a time for you to ask me or anyone else what the answer is. It's a time to ask each other how we are going to go after this vision. I believe this vision is from the Lord. We have prayed and talked about it for almost two years as a mission lead team and among the leaders within Young Life. We've talked about how we can reach and teach young people in shifting cultures. This vision is both to address immediate needs and to solve longer term challenges. ​


We see the need for deep, transformational change and that change does not happen overnight. So we are taking an eight-year look to make crucial changes and meet the shifting needs of a global environment. Along the way, we're breaking those eight years into smaller, action-oriented time periods. We're looking at 2023 and '24 together, followed by 2025 through '27, and then 2028 through '30. In all, two years, followed by three years, followed by three years to set measurable, time-oriented goals.


In this new global vision, God has brought themes to the fore. These are not novel themes in that we've never done them before, but they are new in the emphasis we'll put on them, as we remain all about Christ and kids. You've heard about the ways we want to see and care for each other, our staff. One of God's greatest gifts to us is each other, and we want to encourage and care for one another with renewed emphasis.


We are calling volunteers. At the most basic, these are disciples of Jesus who go and make more disciples. It's the heart of what we do. It's how our model works, and we believe God is moving as he invites more to join us. We're fostering communities of belonging all around the globe. Communities that are on mission to find ways to effectively reach more kids and exhibit the diverse kingdom of God here in Young Life.


Of course, we're naming this vision with one simple word, KNOWN. We believe that being KNOWN is the cry of every kid's heart. To be known by others, to be known by, and to know their Creator, this is the center and the heart of our work, making Jesus known and knowing him more. We go wide with the gospel and we go deep in relationship with our God. As we go wide and deep, we believe the Lord will do new things, things we could not have done on our own.


We have rough projections of what we believe this vision will bring. These may change over time, and they're not audacious goals that just call for our staff to work harder. They're realistic goals based on current trends and growth. Nonetheless, we believe they are a part of God's vision for us. So what we're thinking is, what we believe is that he'll lead us to know eight million kids by name. Eight million young people who know a caring adult who's praying for them cumulatively over this period through 2030.


We believe they'll bring four million young people to camp by 2030. four million young visitors who will hear and consider the gospel away from distractions in a place designed for them. We estimate two million young people will make decisions to follow Jesus. Over this time, two million kids will move from death to new life, and we believe one million kids will be disciples of Jesus who are actively discipling those around them, influencing their peers, their families, and everyone they get to know.


For these reasons, we feel a sense of rising. I think of what the prophet Isaiah wrote to the lost sheep of Israel. Those who needed encouragement, hope, and fresh power, but they who wait upon the Lord will get new strength. They will rise up with wings like eagles. They will run and not get tired. They will walk and not become weak.


We believe we are rising out of a pandemic with fresh vision. We are rising with clarity around knowing kids and making Jesus KNOWN. We are rising more than anything else, because we hope in our Lord. As we do so, we will run and not grow weary, run toward the world of kids to know them, to meet them, to listen to them, to see them. We believe kids need this now as much as ever.


In the U.S., 44% of teens have reported feeling persistently sad or hopeless in this last year. Over half the teens report emotional abuse in their own homes. We see numbers like these mirrored around the world, and these are not weak kids. These are resilient young people who have gone through a pandemic and are asking what matters in life. They are searching for connection and meaning.


We believe God is at work taking the best of who they are and transforming it for his purposes. We will wait upon the Lord and we will hope in him. We will walk and not be faint. We will walk with our Lord and walk with young people and invite them to follow Jesus. Along the way we're going to model to them how to hope in our Lord. Our work is as urgent today as it has ever been.


Blake: Now as we approach the Senior Leadership Conference, we have the pleasure of hearing from some of the members of the SLC planning team.


Julie Clapp: Hi, this is Julie Clapp.


Ken Tankersley:​ My name is Ken Tankersley.


Billy Boyle: I'm Billy Boyle.


Lyn TenBrink: Hi, my name is Lyn TenBrink.


Joey Jimenez: Hi, this is Joey Jimenez.


Blake:​ So, without further ado, let's hear from the team behind the scenes of the Senior Leadership Conference, as they share their hopes for our time in Ethiopia and what you can expect from this year's event.


Julie:​ I am so excited to visit Ethiopia because this is actually my first trip ever to Africa. I can't wait to meet the staff, and leaders, and [inaudible 00:06:46], and see what ministry looks like on the other side of the world. On the content team, we have been dreaming about the days that we will be in meetings. My prayer is that those days will feel like so much more than just meetings. I hope that the time will include conversations about important things, but that ultimately those conversations will keep us focused on Jesus and kids. Can't wait to see you in Ethiopia.


Tank:​ I think meetings like we'll get to experience here in a couple of weeks are part of the reason why I came on staff with Young Life. To determine the emphasis of an organization, to help address culture, to deal with complicated and messy issues, and to be part of a group tasked with making decisions is a great privilege. I couldn't be more excited about it.


We're in a pretty interesting place as a culture. The culture outside is messy. It's complicated. The culture inside that we're trying to foster has its own challenges. So typically in a meeting like this, you have rollouts or you inform or get alignment and direction, encouragement, reporting. I think we'll do all those things.


But in addition, I'm excited about seeing senior leaders working in their areas of gifting and genius, and to have the privilege of being a thought partner. To bring value, to give input, to be part of the body of Christ. To look at the mission and the direction of the mission from this elevated, 30,000-foot view is tremendously exciting.


Finally, I think we have a chance to live out our rhetoric as an organization. To truly operate as one mission, to focus deeply on Christ and kids and how to reach more, to have some of the markings of the mission of teachability, humility, collaboration, and obedience. It's a deep, deep privilege. I couldn't be more excited. Can't wait to see you there.


Billy: Ultimately, I'm most looking forward to the fellowship, I guess, that happens with a group at SLC. So many of you represent a lot of years serving in this mission together, passionately seeking Jesus and figuring out how to go after more kids. We all have a lot of shared memories. We've tackled significant issues over the years. We've shared our hearts, and sweet times, and some difficult times, and I'm looking forward to more of this when we gather in Ethiopia.


I know the Lord is going to show up in unexpected ways and I'm praying each one of us are able to come in a posture, ready to hear from him, ready to see and hear issues from fresh perspectives, open to what he might be telling us. I'm praying that when we leave Ethiopia, we'll have full hearts, a few more great stories, and that we are ready to get after the vision the Lord is giving us. So looking forward to Ethiopia and being together.


Lyn:​ I think what I am most excited about this is just the opportunity to experience Ethiopia. I mean, can you believe it? We get to do this? I just wonder what God would have me and us take away from that experience. I'm curious and excited. But what I've been hoping and praying for the most is really like what does God want us to be, to serve the kids and leaders of the future?


We're coming all together. What does he want from this group of leaders that would best serve His Kingdom through this vehicle of young life? But what I've been praying about the most things that are bubbling up in that are just honesty, trustworthiness, availability, vulnerability. But we'll see. Eager to be together.


Joey: We could not be more thrilled. I could not be more excited for our time together here in just a few short weeks. We are praying for each one of you by name. We are hopeful and expected for all that the Lord has in mind to do during our time together, our talking, our planning, our dreaming, and just our fellowship. Certainly in our time, in and through our time with our friends on the ground and [inaudible 00:11:11]. We look forward to seeing you guys in just a few weeks.


Blake:​ As we wrap up this final episode of this series on KNOWN, we want to express our gratitude to the guests who shared their stories and insights with us along the way. Our hope is that this series has given you a better understanding of the heart behind KNOWN and what this new vision is all about. As we enter this new chapter, we hope that the conversations we've had on this series will continue to inspire and motivate us to build stronger, more connected communities and introduce more kids to Jesus. We can't wait to see you soon at SLC.